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Discovering your Passion
Know your Values
Creating your Mission
The Bigger Picture... Your Vision
Law of Attraction & Passion
Breakthrough to Success
Step up to your Leadership
Making a Difference
Just $47!
About Moira
Moira is a Women’s Empowerment Life & Lifestyle Coach, Speaker, Awakening Catalyst, Happiness Mentor, Success Mindset and Breakthrough Expert. She is the Author of her forthcoming book "The Universe is Calling You: an inward Sacred Journey to your Heart, Soul and Self Love. She is the Host and Producer of her Heart Soul Wisdom Podcast, now in it's fourth season; Founder of The Ultimate Freedom Lifestyle™ programs and The Soul Awakening Academy™. Her vision is to globally help heart centered women connect to their inner wisdom and feminine power. Break free of limiting beliefs and patterns, so they can experience a renewed sense of love, joy, happiness and peace. They learn what is possible for them, living life with more passion, purpose and prosperity. Create and live the life they love... on their terms!
Her core message is to live your life without any regrets and wake up each day to the life you were meant to live. Live an extraordinary life... one that is filled with more passion, purpose, love, freedom, adventure and abundance. Sharing your unique gifts and contribution in the world.
So much love, light and gratitude