Create the Life you Love™

Women's Empowerment Life Coach

I am on a global mission to empower heart centered women WAKE UP and create the life they truly desire and were born to live.  Connect to their innate power and wisdom and align with their Soul Life's Purpose.  Wake up to a life filled with more passion, peace, prosperity, joy, freedom, fulfillment and adventure.

As a Women's Empowerment, Life Coach,  I guide my clients on an inward journey of self discovery, healing and transformation.  Learn how to be the full expression of who you truly are and live life from your highest potential with infinite possibilities.  This is a sacred journey of awakening, remembering and reconnecting to your higher self.

You will shift from a state of feeling unhappy, stuck, alone, anxious into a state of feeling grateful, love, peace, harmony and appreciation.

You might even be at a cross roads in your life and would like gain clearer direction to Live your Best life.  Begin to breakthrough emotional and mental blocks, limiting beliefs and patterns, so you can experience a renewed sense of love, joy, happiness and peace.  You learn "What is Possible?" from Impossible to 'I Am' Possible.  Reclaim your inner power and wisdom from your Heart and Soul.

You will learn how mindset, the subconscious mind and how the law of attraction can help you consciously co-create an extraordinary life; experience a deeper sense of connection, raise their vibration and experience more love, joy, happiness and abundance.

Wake up Call & New Directions

I would like to share something very personal to who I am.  My core values include adventure, love, family, friends, spirituality, creativity, nature, being by water, passion, purpose, being of service and experiencing a deep sense of freedom. When I find myself out of alignment with my core values, I know it is time to change old habits and stories that do not serve me anymore.  I then create a new conscious empowering story for my life; creating my life by design with more joy, playfulness, love, spontaneity and adventure!

So, I am here to let you know that I have learned how to navigate through life's challenges (and they do show in many forms), continue to do the inner work and tune into my inner compass.  One of love, light, forgiveness, compassion and peace.

This is my passion and vision for YOU!  To step fully into the field of infinite possibilities for your life and close the gap from where you are to where you truly want to be.

Now more than any other time in history, women are feeling this calling.  We are shifting from a male energy into the feminine energy.  Moving from the illusion of a FEAR based world to choosing to focus on LOVE, compassion, connected, creativity, community and contribution.  Become conscious co-creators, living our truth, reigniting our desires and discovering our unique soul life's purpose.  Being the full expression of who you are in alignment with your authentic truth.

Professional Credentials & Bio

I have been in the field of Healing work, Transformation and Personal Development for over 35 years.  I am also an Empath, Conscious Channel and my intention is to be a Messenger of Hope, Love and Peace.  I share the message that each one of us can create and live your best life, on your terms.

I have a B.A. in Psychology, I am a Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki Master, Contributing Author on an Amazon #1 Best Selling book on How to Create your Dream Life Now;  Certified NLP Practitioner and NLP Coach; Time Line Therapy® Practitioner/Create your Future® Coaching Processes Specialist; Certified in the Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention Coaching Programs. Studied Neuro-Psychology and Neuro-Plasticity and how the brain works; Certified Conscious Core Transformation Teacher; New Decision Therapist & Behavioral Kinesiology.

I had fun and learned a lot producing and hosting 32 one hour television shows that aired on the Canadian Rogers network for two successful years. The show “Success Breakthroughs” highlighted entrepreneurs who shared how they created success in their lives.

I created "The Soul Awakening Academy™" and under this umbrella produced the Podcast Host and Producer of the “Heart Soul Wisdom™” Show, now in it's fifth season.  The show features interviews with individuals who share their real life stories from their Heart and Soul to inspire and empower you to Create and Live your Best Life!  This is a global movement of people who are dedicated to making a difference in the world, living their truth, standing in their light and sharing their unique gifts in the world.

Yes, drum roll please, yes I will be publishing the first in my Trilogy Series "The Little Book of Infinite Possibilities" ~ "The Universe is Calling You: An Inward Sacred Journey to your Heart, Soul and Self Love" ~ in 2024.  Very exciting and all perfect timing.

Education & Training

  • Contributing Author on an Amazon #1 Best Selling book on "How to Create your Dream Life Now"
  • Associate Member of the Ontario Association of Consultants, Counselors, Psychometrists and Psychotherapists (OACCPP)
  • Certificate of Achievement Robbins-Madanes Strategic Intervention Coaching Training
  • Certificate of Achievement Marriage Education & Divorce Prevention
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree, Major: Psychology, York University
  • Certified Teacher in Conscious Core Transformation & Intuitive
  • Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • Certified NLP Executive & Life Coach
  • Time Line Therapy® Practitioner/Create your Future® Coaching Processes Specialist
  • Ontario Group Fitness Leadership Training, University of Toronto Program
  • Certified Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher
  • Certified New Decision Therapy & Behavioral Kinesiology
  • Fitness Ontario Leadership Program (F.O.L.P.)

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